Putting up some Blinds


Today was one of those neck pain, 
ear pain head ache kinda day's...
I finally talked myself into moving 
around 2:00...
I promised myself that I would change out the old blinds in my bed room. DH has been having trouble sleeping with us only having white sheers on the windows right now so we've
been waking up to the blazing sunlight... 
That's hard when someone's working shift work.
I have trouble getting to sleep unless it's pitch dark and the gentle hum of the air cleaner helps me to settle my mind!!!
Now the Fibro's another story, I've got to wear soft gloves to cushion my hands from the pain... My legs twitch, my feet burn, my neck hurts deep inside it feels like someone stuck a knife in there... Its a shame that my pain meds.. are supposed to last 8 hours but really last about 6... So I have 12 out of 24hrs of moderate protection from the pain... By bed time or in the middle of the night I'm squirming in PAIN... 
I've really gotta try to get the doc's to fix this...
 I think if I had something to take before I go to bed at night that I might get more sleep...
Gota talk to APM about this.... 
So I took my little tool bag upstairs and removed most of the hard-wear from the old blinds...
Looking at the new hard-wear I realized it's a lot stronger and the screws are longer than I expected... 
DH to the rescue!!! Up he comes with screw gun and drill and made quick work of getting the blinds up... Yea there done!!1
It is GREAT to have help!!! x0x0x0
All I had left was to shorten them,(took 4ever)
wish my hands didn't hurt so much and wish my darn fingers worked a little better. 
But after much redoing and fussing
 I finally got one done!!!
Sunday ( Laundry Day)
 I will have to finish the job...
So  I hope this helps DH sleep better, shift work is so hard on anyone that has to work it.... :0(
I'm up late (again) muscles hurting, neck is bad so I'm holding puppy on my lap and running massage seat and roll on my back and neck. Sometimes I just sleep here when I'm finally exhausted enough I'll drop off. I don't feel rested when I get up , but that's the price I pay with this rotten A$$ Fibro..

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