Fibromyalgia & Chronic Fatigue Relief, what helps you?

Here are a few things that I've found to help relieve some of my own symptoms...

Most important to start with is a comfortable place that's mine alone...
I keep my Pillows; heating pad; massage pad; soft comfortable blanket on my couch and I have a nice lounging seat…My tissues, remote and water glass are on a stand beside me. I have my magazines and my computer nearby…Theirs a small pillow for my lower lumbar which can give me quite a bit of trouble. I have a little roll pillow for my neck, as I have scoliosis, 3 blown discs and some other strange things wrong with my neck. So some days I can’t keep my head up without PAIN...
When I’m miserable there are things I need to help soften the pain of the many many symptoms I have…
Pain Pills, Neurontin, Vitamins and many more pills… They have to be taken with careful planning, but it can be done. I have my pills in a cupboard where children can’t reach and on the door I have a chart…
 I take pills four times a day and many different ones at different times. I use my cell phone alarms to help me get my meds on time. Fibro Fog is a Bitcz, I have made a graph listed all of the meds and X them off as I go along…
I like keeping things close…
When the barometer drops, every pain is heightened and I have to act fast to get any relief…
I use Aspercream for my muscle pain and Capasan for my knee pain, Capasan can’t be used with heat and is strong so I use rubber gloves to massage it into my knees…
I have a microwave heating bag that has clay inside, it was a little pricy but will keep the heat for almost a whole hour so I can sleep with it and also take it camping and use it on my back by the campfire…
I keep soft, fluffy, really warm socks to wear when I sleep because my feet get so cold I can’t drift off because of the Pain…
I use long soft socks with finger holes cut in for my hands, this is because my wrists can’t be exposed to the night air and anything snug is just awful…
I don’t know why the cold causes so much pain in the extremities but it does!!!
I have a small vibrating pillow I use on my neck and hands it helps break that pain signal, uses batteries and I can put my hands under it all night if I need to…
Hot flashes are so frequent my temperature has no regulation at all. Some days I get too hot and just can't   cool down. I've used a cooling spray from Avon for hot flashes, it has menthol and I spray my face and it cools me down right away…
I use lots of Lotion for dry itchy skin, if I scratch it’s going to cause more pain and the itch will just come back…
When you spend almost your whole life on your couch because everything you try to do either hurts or sends you into a dripping miserable mess you have to think what can I do to help myself… You will find that people tend to resent you for being needy...
So find your favorite spot and fill it with things that will bring you comfort, and a sense of control over what you can do to help your own self…. 

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