Pet Peves

 Matthew 7:1-2
Judge not, that you be not judged. For with the judgment you pronounce you will be judged, and with the measure you use it will be measured to you.

Ok,don’t want to make a Pig outa a poke but I feel like a lot of ppl just don’t see this war from our Soldier’s point of view. And quite frankly if I came home after several years of helping to build up a country, repair and replace their water, electricity, schools, restore some semblance of Government & help train a new Iraqi Army, to further help them protect their selves and their families from the terrorist ...

 I would not want to hear how all that time I spent risking my life was wasted and that the job I was doing was a waste! Talk about PTSD, our own people bitch about GW and forget about our Armed forces. Oh and when you retire your family looses their medical insurance, you can’t find a job or pay your bills…Government caring about its Army’s families is BS…Our own ppl don’t appreciate our Military it’s a very ME oriented world we live in. People don’t use yellow ribbons anymore! Few stores even sell them, only Military families seem understand that this war is still going on and our guys are still in harm’s way. I’m sure I wouldn’t appreciate hearing how losing my battle buddies was for not…This Army saw the need, saw firsthand what Hussein and his army did to those people...Did I want my Son involved in the War? Just like lots of other Army mothers I had to abide by what he felt was right for him? GW was not the Greatest President and neither is this one!!! Why is it that every time Mr. Obama’s Gvt. screws up someone has to make like it’s all ok because GW was a screw up??? And so shall we all ignore what’s going on here???

We have to continue to let our Gvt. Know we will not sit by lamely by while they feed us lies, break our laws, screw with our Constitution  and for some reason NOT send help to our employees’ on foreign soil. Everyone else got out of town, they asked for more Security and someone is responsible for ignoring that request. And whatever GW did, will not make this go away!  Sorry for the very long Rant it is just my opinion!!! It’s called passing the buck, blaming the other guy and it’s as bad as playing the race card. If it is your mistake, own it, fix it apologize and people will applaud your forthrightness…

Being an Army Mom for so long made me take notice of the lot of them on the Hill and I’ve become disgusted with their behavior…

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