I am so tired of all this snow!!

Nobody ever listens when I say this weather is KILLING me and it’s no BS. Day after day I try to fight muscle and nerve pain, the migraines that last two to four days at a time. My migraines get so bad that my left eye feels like it’s going to fall out and the top of my head feels like I've been hit with a sledge hammer… Some days I can’t hold my head up and have to sit with a small pillow rolled up under my neck to help me sit up...
I know most of this pain is from the bulging disc in my neck and I was told for the second time in ten years that nothing can be done surgically to help it. And I didn't want any parts of that, but my Dr had to rule it out! So on Friday I have to remember to ask if there is anything that will ease these migraines or I’m going to loose my mind over it!


 This Fibromyalgia pain is out of this world and when the barometer drops I can’t sleep from the hand and foot pain. The nerves sting the muscles burn and I want to find a cliff to jump off of…  Nothing I do. Nothing I try to do, can ease this pain… Pain pills take the edge off but DON”T make it bearable!!!
I thought by writing about this pain filled journey of mine, I could at least get my feelings out. That I might just feel a little better like someone maybe was hearing me... There are only two people in my little world who have actually known what to say to me, one is deceased... So one person had the forthrightness to say I ‘m sorry you are in so much pain… Easy enough, but it helps, it helps by showing someone actually cares how miserable I feel.. Someone actually paid attention… Unbelievable that this is all anyone with fibromyalgia needs to hear…No, it wasn't a Doctor, a Physiatrist a son or a daughter or even my husband, just a very dear friend… She knows I really appreciate her kindness… People just do not want to hear anything unless it’s good news and I am sorry I don’t have any…

Since there is no cure for fibromyalgia, and most of the bull crap that comes with it like my degenerative disc disease, scoliosis, bulging discs, l.P.R re-flux  I.B.S., Austeo  arthritis, severe depression and anxiety disorder. There’s such a gambit of stuff that goes along with fibromyalgia, these are mine so far… Isn't it any wonder people just do not believe there is such a thing… All I can say is “PRAY “it doesn't ever happen to you!!!

So today’s been REAL, muscle pain, neck and migraine pain has invaded my day… So again I did my best NOT what I wanted to get done, but there’s no hope for it…


“May you have love that never ends lots of money and lots of friends. Health be yours, whatever you do and may God send many blessings to you.”


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Its great hearing from you. Have a great day.