I love my country

I am not a Republican or a Democrat; I find myself voting for whomever I think will do the least damage or whoever I think has the better job qualifications.“I am an American believing in our Country and our Constitution”.I'm with the Sixty-seven percent (67%) that rate Congress’s performance as poor and I want them to start doing their jobs.

I am grateful for having wonderful Parents; for my Loving Family; my Religion; my Education; my Husband’s love and dedication to our growing family and I am grateful to have been born on American soil! 
I am grateful for all of our blessings!
I love my country and I've always felt proud to be an American. Yet the America I had known growing up is becoming LOST! Why? Because of reckless Government spending, overseas wars and both political parties constantly having so many issues with each other that nothing seems to get done.
We've put up with years full of bad decisions from Presidents and Politicians.They all share the responsibility for taking us towards a very risky future. I am afraid for America and I’m afraid for the future of America’s children.
As a country we are broke and we are going to pass trillions of deficits and international loans to our children and our grandchildren. I have six grandchildren that could grow up without a bright future; will there still be a middle class? Don’t people get that the world is laughing at us? There is no way to pay back our debts; we do not have an unlimited supply of money.Just like any family, our Government has to watch how they spend money.They need to be concerned with taking care of our citizens young and old. Let the other countries deal with their own issues. We can’t afford to interfere with other countries problems when we can’t even fix our own.
Our current President thinks it’s a good time for Universal Health Care. It’s a Grand idea, which will cause another huge bill for our people and our country.At a time when we need to stop spending so much money! We have obligations to Social Security and Medicare and we need to fix it. I bet we could save lots of money just by making our governments learn to run more efficiently and tighten their proverbial belts. We need smaller governments and less military bases overseas. Those things need to be drastically cut and the moneys invested on our countries debts! We need to work on limiting spending to the bare bones, that means find out where we are overspending and correct it. Mr. President we need to work hard towards affording that Universal health care!
America sets examples to the world for environmental control and preservation and industry regulations. And then we go and buy stuff from those same countries that don’t follow our rules! What does this say about our leaders? Those countries get an unfair advantage we need to either lift the restrictions or stop buying their products.
In the years from 2002 to 2008 when it had became evident that people were buying houses they could not afford, why didn't anyone intervene? This was happening in front of our government’s eyes and they did nothing! The real estate agents made tons of money and left the home buyer’s house poor. Adjustable rate loans were being made for years were our government regulators looking the other way?
I’d like to know why it is that we don’t have any American car manufactures making affordable hybrids? Our government was aware that gas prices were going to rise in the future yet they did nothing to prepare us for it. Why weren't there any kid of automobile production incentives? Why didn't anyone work on a bigger public transportation system? Government has never had problems with spending money on pork!
STOP all corporate greed! Raise taxes on those companies that rely on overseas workers. Stop Corporations that are taking advantage of our weak tax laws. They use tax havens like Bermuda to escape our U.S. taxes. It’s been going on for years and our Government knows this. These corporations have cheated our country out of billions, they should be investigated and made to pay that money back…
We spend so much money overseas; why not keep that money for our country our family so to speak! Why is it that America is so generous when it comes to immigration and outsourcing? Tons of Americans are becoming jobless and our politicians have turned a blind eye?
The U.S.A. is unable to handle the problems of our existing population yet every year we conduct a random lottery and invite 50,000 people to come settle here why? This damages our citizens who are already facing hardships.
Our government needs to stop letting illegal immigrants get a free ride. Any illegal’s currently taking up residence in these United States need to register for citizenship without exception. They then need to follow the same rules as everyone else. We have enough welfare cases, no ID without a social security card, no ID no welfare, no ID no voting. Stop giving people better treatment because of race or political differences. This President seems to want us to hate each other because of our differences. I want us all to stand firm and work hard for America’s future. Everyone needs to quit being so reckless with money. Americans quit spending monies you don’t have, so all our children can be the best and brightest no matter how diverse

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